Thursday, July 3, 2008

Number three

July 4
6pm...have noticed incorrect time placed on blogs....anyway 3rd workshop today. Another success for me. I feel like a pre-schooler busting to show a parent a drawing from kindy. In my case my patient husband will be the recipient of "I did it" his patience at being the 'listener' & critic of my undergrad essays is limitless..bless him. So what did I do. I have cut & pasted my 2nd report from word!
Lynn showing her usual patience explained about hot keys and how I could get my sabotaged report from last week onto the blog. Bare in mind that was over three hours ago, and I was going solo with a few notes that looked very explanatory with Lynn sat there but a bit sparse with no-one to ask.. my heart was thumping as I hit Ctrl A talk about nervous anticipation...such satisfaction to see 'magical' appearance of text.
The two hours goes so quickly but it is long enuf too, the head gets so crammed and I need to go home and use my familiar computer and practice.
The rest of the group were working on Mahara with Anil's help. It is something I wouldn't use at this point and there is so much of the basics I need to learn therefore I am taking this opportunity to learn to walk before I run. Mahara days will come.
This week I am going to concentrate on the wiki learning site plus practice making a power point presentation. This will be a challenge as I need to transfer illustrations from the web. Therefore I hope to get the cut & paste & copy functions a familiar skill. It will also be my first attempt at down loading to the memory stick. Then I will want to be sure I can erase the data and use the stick again, next I want to learn how you find more than one item if several are down loaded onto the same stick.
I did create an account in Mahara today with Lynn but the e-mail I was supposed to get hasn't arrived as yet.....will look at that if I get chance.
Every meeting gets more relaxed because we are developing trust in the group, fear of making a 'silly' mistake has decreased, I think in all of us who initially felt that way and respect for each others trying is increasing the learning capacity. I feel proud & fortunate to be a member of this group of people.

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